Sunday, August 29, 2010


Fall is almost here, and with it comes the economically perilous months of September and October.

The noticeable changes such as cooler mornings, yellow butterflies, and "the light in August" (to use a Southern literary reference) make me want to wax eloquent and mix metaphors. So here goes:

It's time for Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke to stick his head up his own arse (hat tip to William Wallace) and wake up and smell the coffee (i.e there will be no recovery). If only such could be the result of the recent Jackson Hole summit of economic and financial big-wigs then we might have hope. Otherwise, we're skrooed.

The truth is not in these people.

Live well . . .

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


There is an entire generation of young Japanese who have never known prosperity. They proudly refer to themselves as "non-consumers."

I think it would behoove us as Americans of all ages to follow their lead. After all, who needs most of the junk and trinkets we buy at Wal-Mart and Target anyhow? Instead of rushing out to spend our dollars on new and useless "stuff," how about either doing without or buying used or local when we must? Let your dollars do your talking for you.

If you want to poke a stick in the Establishment's eye, this is the way to do it. Remember right after 11 September 2001 when George W. Bush, with a panicked look, begged us to keep on shopping to keep the economy afloat? He and his Insider buddies were truly in fear that their debt-based economy would grind to a halt. And there goes their power!

In an economic system based on monetizing debt, the worst thing that can happen is to get rid of debt. All parties--individuals, families, businesses, and governments--must keep spending more and more to keep the economy chugging along. This of course means acquiring more and more debt. But the Bible tells us that the debtor is slave to the lender. We ought to listen to God rather than man.

So, if we become "non-consumers," we make do with what we have. We buy used or local and avoid debt. This will not please the Establishment; however, it will be good for the rest of us in the long run. And by that I mean it might just rid us of the elite parasites among us who make their living off our sweat and ingenuity.

Consider it seriously. Get by on what you have. Find bargains. Be frugal. And live well . . .

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Bond yields are tanking, personal bankruptcies are at an all-time high, deflation is a reality despite the Feds' futile attempts at inflating the money supply with QEII, and the poor, bedraggled US consumer still makes up 70% of GDP. Yet the powers-that-be still tell us all will be well.

How long will you believe it?

Live well . . .


The establishment elite--Obama, Geithner, Bernanke, etc.--tell us that we're in a summer recovery and the economy will be fine. They are liars. There is no summer recovery, and there will be no fall, winter, or spring recovery either. What there will be is Depression and perhaps revolution and several secession movements. If we are indeed blessed, DC will slide into the Potomac.

From what I'm beginning to see and hear, I would caution the elite leadership (and all who do their dirty work in the far-flung provinces) to sleep with one eye open and a finger on the trigger. The hoi-polloi is getting restless. When they get desperate, watch out . . .

Live well . . .

Thursday, August 12, 2010


We are told that America is a nation of immigrants. That's supposed to end any argument about open borders in favor of . . . open borders. After all, Emma Lazarus's poem--"The New Colossus"-- inscribed on the Statue of Liberty says it all:

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Lazarus's sentiments stemmed directly from her campaign to bring into the United States millions of Ashkenazy Jews from the Pale of Settlement in Russia to New York City. Because of the efforts of early "open borders" advocates such as Emma Lazarus, the Golden Door came unhinged between the end of the War Between the States and the 1920s when millions of immigrants from southern and eastern Europe flooded into what was previously a country dominated demographically by Western Europeans (mainly from the British Isles) and negro slaves and their descendants.

The immigration floodtide was temporarily halted by stringent legislation in the 1920s, especially the Johnson-Reed Act (1924) which included the National Origins Act. The latter provision restricted immigration totals to a limit of 2% of the people from a particular country based on the census figures from 1890. This was an effort to keep the demographic make-up of the US primarily northern and western European and Christian. US immigration policy remained fairly static until the revolutionary Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965. It was in relation to this act that young Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy said:

"First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same.... Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset.... Contrary to the charges in some quarters, [the bill] will not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area, or the most populated and deprived nations of Africa and Asia.... In the final analysis, the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think.... It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs."

Not to put too fine a point on it, but the sorry son-of-a-bitch lied. The 1965 act began to change the ethnic and racial demographics of the United States to a degree that few could imagine in that decade. The dire situation we have today stems directly from this piece of treason.

Now, what about the settlers? From the early 17th century to the eve War for Southern Independence, the great majority of the roughly 27 million white people in these United States in 1860 had their origins in the British Isles or elsewhere in Western Europe. They were the mainly Christian progeny of the men and women who had carved a civilization out of a wilderness, especially those we came to know as Southerners. While Yankees huddled close to the coastline in the northeast, bold Southerners laid open the frontiers up to and across the Mississippi River.

My own family came through the Carolinas, across north Georgia, and into the Alabama Territory in the 1790s and early 1800s. By the first decade of the 19th century, they had settled north of the Tennessee River in what is currently Lauderdale County, Alabama. In other words, they were here for more than a decade before Alabama became a sovereign State in this union in 1819.

I've never considered myself the descendant of immigrants; rather, I'm the product of settlers who did most of the dirty work in making this place a fit home for my kith and kin.

Those who came later, after The War, can't claim the same ground. In many cases, they are interlopers. Yes, I understand that many of them came here "legally." However, that does not change the fact that when they got here much of the fundamental hard work in building a country had already been done. They simply took advantage of it. I don't blame them for that.

Historical circumstances, particularly the South's defeat in The War, eventually led to this radical demographic change. Pencil pushing, crooked ciphering, eloquent word twisting became the new postbellum means of acquiring "wealth." My ancestors would not have approved, nor really would they have understood, but they were not given much of a say in the matter.

Today, we settler descendants are fighting to preserve as much land as we can to pass on to our own progeny. Current US immigration policy and the law--especially the incredibly stupid Anchor Baby part--is not helping us. Like our ancestors of old, we settler folk will have to fall back on our own resources. And unlike Emma Lazarus's statue, nothing beckons us to some far-off Golden Door. We are here to live . . . and die, if necessary.

Live well . . .

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Socialism, in all its forms, has been proven by history to be an abject failure. China has abandoned it, the old USSR died of it, and the Euro-Zone is now learning the same hard lesson. So why does the Obama regime insist on implementing socialism in America?

The reason is clear to me. Socialism is a purposeful means of destruction. You see, "Hope & Change" meant first tearing down the old. Socialism is the battering ram that will finally destroy the US dollar and economy, thus clearing the decks for whatever sort of politico-economic regime the Progressives have up their collective sleeve.

The real enemy of the Progressives is the small freeholder--small businessmen, entrepreneurs, farmers, craftsmen, and anyone else who desires to be free and independent of the big government-big business nexus. You are slated for destruction, and if you resist you will be cast as an obstacle to "progress." The mainstream media will make sure you and your kind are branded as such.

Be a fierce and principled opponent. Don't give in to fear. Fight back at every step. Don't put your faith in the GOP, the Tea Party movement, or anything else that advocates working within this corrupt system. The Progressives of both the Left and Right control the system and they will not allow meaningful reform to take place.

The antidote to American socialism, whether from the Democrats or Republicans (yes, I said "Republicans"), is secession and independence. It is not half measures such as States Rights or State sovereignty within the current "union." It is certainly not Tea Party-style "elect more conservative Republicans" reform.

You have a clear choice. Live well . . .