Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Treason of the Elites


Because the enemies of the South have employed the term “racist” so frequently that is has all but lost its sting  among our people, the South-haters have changed their tactics in hope of finding a new chink in our armor. Instead of yelling “racist” at every turn, they now charge that our ancestors were “traitors,” and so are we if we celebrate and defend the cause for which they fought. Frequently over the last decade numerous articles and editorials contend that anyone who waves the Southern flags and speaks well of our Southern heroes is paying homage to a failed rebellion and are probably “domestic terrorists” to boot.

My response in defense of the old Southern cause will be brief. Southerners had every right to secede and form their own nation in 1860-61. There was no “rebellion.” It was thus impossible for Confederates to commit treason against a country to which they no longer belonged. The same fundamental right of self-determination still exists today. Rather than the South having to justify its clearly moral and legal position over the last 150 years, the burden of defense should properly fall on those who seek to destroy our Southern inheritance, and by implication, all things Western and Christian.

Why do the neo-con and leftist elites rage against the “traitorous” South and its traditional culture and symbols? The stock answer has been because all that the South stands for—orthodox Christianity, honor, hierarchy, loyalty to place and kin, patriarchy, respect for the rule of law (just law—not what passes for “law” in modern America)—represents an obstacle to the elite’s lust for absolute power and its trappings. This is a correct assessment, but only one side of the coin. The other side reveals that the elites (including many false “conservatives”) have for long attempted to cover up the fact that their ideology, regnant on these shores since the War To Prevent Southern Independence and the subsequent Reconstruction, has been a rebellion against the fundamental law in America (including the Bill of Rights) as well as God’s law. This rebellion against the rule of just law has not only wrecked the South but the rest of America as well. Thus the conclusion: It is the elites who are the real traitors and domestic terrorists. And they should be treated as such.

The treason of the elites involves such enormities as globalism—the selling out of American sovereignty (which really means the sovereignty of the States) to international agencies and interests; the destruction of middle class jobs by exporting them to the low-wage Third World; floodtide immigration that is intended to replace the founding stock with a more pliable Third World population who are already used to living under tyrants; the destruction of the right of habeas corpus by the National Defense Authorization Act which allows the President to declare any American citizen an Enemy of the State, followed by arrest and permanent detention without trial; no Fourth Amendment and no privacy (only a criminal would want privacy, right?); draconian gun control measures that are meant to disarm the populace and make them unable to defend their rights and property; the deliberate destruction of the dollar; anti-White, anti-Western, and anti-Christian laws and policies; confiscatory taxation; and that devilish trinity of tolerance, diversity, and multiculturalism that is crammed down the throats of our children in public indoctrination centers. There are more, but you get the idea. These are the hallmarks of a totalitarian police/surveillance state in the making. It is anti-white and anti-Southern.

How do these criminal elites and their regime mask this unlawful and immoral agenda? By shifting the focus away from their own actions and onto the actions of those who oppose them. It is fashionable and expedient in elite circles today to demonize the traditional South as evil incarnate. In doing so, they turn attention away from the purposeful mess they have made of America. Were it not for the dark anachronism of the South, so they say, America could take its place among the modern, progressive nations of the world. She would be finally done with many of her “bitter clingers” in the Southern sector of flyover country.

The prime symbol of this “Southerners as racists, traitors, and domestic terrorists” theme is, of course, the Confederate battle flag. This particular banner, one of only two in the entire Western hemisphere bearing a Christian symbol—the cross of St. Andrew—has become in many places outside the U.S an emblem against tyranny of all stripes. The starry St. Andrews cross, and not the Stars and Stripes, has been used by freedom-loving people from East Germany, to the Baltic States, to the states of the former Yugoslavia, to the Sudan. Criticism of the Confederate battle flag by the elites draws attention away from the symbolism of the U.S. flag—a much hated and maligned symbol across the world--in these latter days of empire and constant war. It goes without saying that if the Stars and Stripes represented a light yoke, few people would be taking it down and flying its antithesis, the Confederate battle flag. Nor would we be witnessing a growing guerrilla information campaign with tens of thousands of “Secede,” “,” and “Feds Out of Dixie” stickers plastered across the South.

The battle flag and all Confederate banners and slogans stand defiantly because the elites have renewed their attack on the South with a vengeance. The rising political and economic power of Southerners who are fed up with an intrusive, exploitative, and increasingly despotic central government makes them a high-priority target for the unholy alliance that is partisan politics in DC these days. Southerners are concerned about the abrogation of the Bill of Rights, and the lawless nature of the regime in power has them on edge. The proliferation of our flags and Southern Nationalist slogans is but the outward manifestation of resistance; some things remain hidden (but will eventually surface in due time).

The traditional South has rejected the elite’s culture, if it can be called such. That culture is the culture of death: abortion, AIDS, euthanasia, drugs, crime, sodomy, false religions, etc. Those who have embraced this culture of death have destroyed their own house, as it were. Now they are intent on destroying everyone else’s. The elites desire to make everything public and thus falling within their grasp. Every human institution must be made subject to control by the central state, and human autonomy (e.g. the Universal Rights of Man) must trump all inherited cultural traditions. Such is the elites’ particular brand of treason.

Since the end of the War To Prevent Southern Independence, the U.S. flag has gradually come to stand for a corrupt imperial regime that visits upon its citizens-cum-subjects expropriations that would have driven our ancestors to open and active resistance. The U.S. government is indeed an organized criminal enterprise that defines the limits of its own power. Conversely, our noble Confederate banners and the various State flags in the South have come to represent States Rights, Nullification, Interposition, and Secession. In other words, Southern independence and liberty. Why should Southerners continue to feel patriotic toward a regime—and the flag and pledge that represent it—that is openly dispossessing them and their children and grandchildren?

For a start, let us take down that “pretender” flag from atop our State and local government buildings and replace it with the flags of our various sovereign States. Why, for instance, should the elites’ federal banner wave above the State capitols of Alabama and Georgia? None of the States are rightfully the preserves of imperial Washington, and they should stop behaving as if they were. Only if and when the citizens of the sovereign States restrict this Leviathan and contain it within it proper legal and moral bounds will it cease to prey upon us and assume its rightful position as servant--and not master--in our historic political arrangement. But Leviathan has shown no inclination to move in that direction. Thus, like all wild beasts that threaten liberty, prosperity, and civilization itself, he must be slain.

1 comment:

  1. Big Chief, yours is one of the best explanations of our predicament as I've read anywhere, and I applaud your mastery of the English language, not to mention your considerable powers of reason.

    While I would not be so presumptuous as to think I can improve upon what you've written above, I would like to add something I just posted on another SN site (and currently awaiting moderation):

    "In this day and age, with all the misinformation spewed in the mainstream press, TV, movies, to say nothing of the outright falsehoods taught in government schools, regarding most everything uniquely identified as Southern, it behooves those who are the target of such attacks, to understand the dynamics at play — the Leftist political machine in this country must render impotent any and all opposition to its goals of complete cultural domination, knowing full well that culture dictates politics.
    Southern white Christian people, you know, are primarily the ones who “cling to their guns and religion”, and they are marked as especially dangerous to the powers that be. They represent a belief in a faith that is over 2000 years old, and is still represented heavily in a certain section of this country we call Dixie.
    Further, they are a people who have maintained their faith in spite of incredible hardship, removed from the birthright that their ancestors created by having lost their bid for independence on the battlefield; overwhelmed by an increasingly secular, industrialized enemy, led by the ruthless dictator Lincoln, who would stop at nothing to free the Negro and enslave the white Southerners to vicious Yankee federalism.
    Finally, faith in God trumps faith in man every time, otherwise Christianity would never have lasted. Study your heritage, know who you are, and keep the faith. Remember that the South was only defeated in battle, not in spirit!"
    Deo Vindice
